
Obviously each of us has arrived at our current stage of beliefs by different paths.

We have each been influenced by different people, teachers, preachers and books.

Most of us who know that Christianity is really real in our lives apply all of these sources to development of our beliefs, hopefully, in a thoughtful and intentional way.

Unfortunately, most  of my teachers taught from a denominational quarterly so there was no real spiritual insights there.

Most of my preachers, preached right out of the denominational play book so there was no real spiritual insight there.

Over the years, I have read many books most of which had no true  spiritual insights, although they may have been quite good at teaching denominational doctrine and motivation.

There have been a few authors who were very helpful.

I put Bob George at the top of the list, because he has been the most basic and consistent in delivering the New Covenant perspective on scripture through his books and “People to People” radio program which has been broadcast national for over twenty-five years and his website.

I am also an advocate of The Truth Project by Dr. Del Tackett at Focus on the Family. This video series where Dr. Tackett lectures and dialogues with a diverse group about confronting modern culture with a Christian Worldview, will convince “marginal” Christians that Christianity is really real for all areas of their life.

Other authors which I have found helpful in understanding the New Covenant paradigm in the Christian life are: Steve Mcvey, Zane Hodges, Larry Crabb, Bruce Narramore, David Needham, Charles Solomon, Garry Friesen, Lewis Sperry Chafer, Charles Ryrie, Donald G. Bloesch, Norman Geisler, Francis Schaefer, Watchman Nee.

If you know these authors, you will recognize their influence on my writings and my beliefs.

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Copyright © 2010 Daniel Ray Boliek

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