Why Me?

Snapshot_20081226_1This is not about an old-time-religion; it is not about a New Age spiritual experience based on someone’s imagination, nor is it about cultic kool-aid. As you can see, I have been around awhile and I want to share with you some of the things which I have learned from my personal Biblical studies which has opened my eyes to the truth about what the New Covenant Christian life is. If you are a Calvinist, or you like one of the denominational “isms”, or you think the New Testament and the New Covenant mean the same thing, then you probably wont read much of this. If you just read the Preface, you will get a little glimpse of what I think is important to understand concerning Scriptures about the New Covenant perspective.

I am Dan Boliek. I live in Tempe, Arizona with my wife Peggy. We have four children and nine grandchildren who are all as interested in this view of the Christian life as we are.

You will know, if you read many of my essays, that I have not been to a seminary or bible college. My vocation has been in Accounting and Data Processing Administration which has led me to have developed some skills in and knowledge of computer systems and software integration.

My wife and I have been active in Baptist/Evangelical churches all of our married life. We met on the steps of a church. >>>

Several years ago, my wife and I had what many people would describe as an awakening or enlightenment by the Holy Spirit. This was no immediate external physical or spiritual event. It was simply a realization over time, and after much searching in scripture and contemplation, that the churches we have been in do not do a good job of teaching how to live our Christian life as a personal spiritual relationship. In other words, we realized that what we had heard taught and preached, generally did not line up with a New Covenant view of Christian life.

I think many people come to this understanding sometime during their life and simply quit church life. It is a mystery to me, why so many churches still mix law (performance expectations) and grace in their mostly motivational preaching and teaching; and why every scripture teaching is not explained relative to the New Covenant paradigm which Jesus Christ established. In my opinion, this old-time church-religion teaching should always be exposed for what it is. It seems like most Christians have a personal relationship with their church rather than with Jesus Christ.

In some way, for us, when we came to this New Covenant understanding, there was a significant release whereby we felt free to simply live our life as a child of God. Our identity in Christ was more important than performance in a church environment. Our personal relationship with this concept now guides all of our thoughts and actions, and our understanding of scriptures. It has motivated us to have better personal relationships with those around us, rather than having the institutional church and its activities be the focus of our Christian life and the motivation for what we do.

Why do I have this website?

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Copyright © 2010 Daniel R. Boliek www.gflstudy.org

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