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The Lexham Bible Dictionary is unavailable, but you can change that! The LBD offers the facts on thousands of topics. It holds over 2,700 articles and more than 1.5 million words from some of the world’s top Christian scholars, and new articles are constantly being written. . Bliss, Frederick J. /A Mound of Many Cities, or, Tell el Hesy Excavated.” London: Palestine Exploration Fund, 1894. Budge, E. A. Wallis. By Nile and Tigris: A Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on Behalf of the British Museum between the Years 1886 and 1913. Vol. 1. London: John Murray, 1920. ————. A History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII. BC 30, Vol. IV.: Egypt and Her Asiatic Empire. Books on Egypt and Chaldaea. New York: Henry…

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