This is an exceptional book for New Covenant Believers.

The Naked Gospel, by Andrew Farley

This is a very good book about how to study and understand the personal transformation intended by the New Covenant. The typical modern evangelical church model is “come, grow, serve and go”. My problem with this paradigm is that the primary message is usually to motivate members to “serve and go”. This makes church growth the main thing, rather than an understanding of personal transformation for members.The leadership of most churches seem to be happy just getting new Christians to join “Team Christian”. Teaching a new believer their true identity in Christ and how that is supposed to work in their life situations according to the New Covenant seems to be of secondary importance. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the scriptural basis for the New Covenant and how it causes a personal transformation which should lead to a victorious Christian life. This is the Gospel the way it should be taught. Dan Boliek, aka Theophilos

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