Do you believe?

Do you believe? You have Life!
Do you believe? You have Life!
Do you believe? You have Life!
Do you believe? You have Life!

This is the New Covenant. If you believe Christ is who He claimed to be, you have a new spiritual life. Rom 1:16

The New Covenant should always be defined by “life” rather than forgiveness. Christ’s death on the cross was certainly the sacrifice needed to satisfy the penalty of sin, but it did not give us the “new” life and new way of relating to God. Rom 5:10,8

Romans 7:6
Hebrews 10:20

This life is not so much defined as power to overcome sin in our life or empower us to service as it is the power to receive truth from God.
This is indeed a new way of relating to God.
People are innately selfish and generally misanthropic without some influence from outside of themselves.
Experiencing Truth, over time, renews our natural tendencies and changes us to love others. Change is the fruit of Truth which we learn by studying the Word and praying.

This is the New Covenant way. Trusting is based on what we experience over time.

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Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

— Denis Waitley
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